

Sensational Kids is able to offer a wide range of training, in-service and seminars to parents, interests groups, professionals and organisations, tailored to the learning needs of your group.

With each training session we are able to offer professional handouts, with interactive and practical learning opportunities. Participants are encouraged to try out activities and equipment, which we find further aids their understanding and grasp of theoretical concepts.

Training sessions offered include

  • Sensory Processing
  • Autism
  • Dyspraxia
  • Implementing OT at schools
  • Sensory Regulation in school
  • Facilitating Handwriting and Fine motor skills

What course participants
say about us

“Very informative course”
“Thank you for an interesting session”
“Can we have more?”
“Aniesa has a wonderful workshop presence”

“Our adopted son has a history of early years trauma and attachment difficulty. He is often highly anxious, oppositional and sometimes aggressive around new people. He has ADHD, ODD and some non verbal learning difficulties. Aniesa was incredible with him when she did his full assessment. She has such an easy, relaxed yet confident manner. I have never seen him as calm, nor accepting, with someone new as quickly. I told lots of people afterwards that it was as if we had met the “L [our son’s name] whisperer”.


Any questions or to book a consultation, please get in touch!